April 19, 2024
EquiTher, Contact: Kelly Flowers MPT, ESMT 502-418-0433    
  Saddle Fitting/ Reflocking
   Does your Saddle Fit your Horse?  
     Does my saddle fit my horse?  This is the best question you can ask yourself if you want to improve the comfort and disposition of your horse companion.  Horse behavior is generally a direct result of the fit of the saddle you place on his/her back.  How would you feel if everyday you were forced to wear shoes two sizes too small?  You equine companions have no say in what you place on their back, so please take the time to make sure it feels good not only to you but to them.
   Saddle Fit Process  

                                         The saddle-fit process is based on many things. The photo at left illustrates points of measurement for a set of  templates, that creates an objective assessment of a specific saddle for a specific horse. The first point ("X") behind shoulder blade or scapula corresponds to the correct point of contact for the point of the tree in the saddle. From that point the slope off the center of the back or spine (spinous processes) is delineated at 4-inch intervals. This concludes 16 inches from the wither tracing ("X").  Templates are made at the 4-inch intervals, along with a template the length of the back (See photos below).  These are then used to compare individual saddles for adequate fit along the entire length of the back, not just at the withers.The sixth template is a single "rocker" template that runs in a head-to-tail direction down the back, to show whether or not a saddle would tend to "bridge" across the back (last photo below).   Bridging can create painful (bruising) pressure points at the four corners of a saddle, if left unchecked.    Photo on right shows a plaster-casted molding of the same region. This proves invaluable when facilitating a custom saddle-fit for a saddlemaker over the miles, so that a 3-D model is available. This cast can be set on a saddle stand and saddle placed on it. This along with photos of the horse and the 2-D templates allows more than enough objective data to insure the recommendation of the saddle is correct. (see testimonials for results of this method).






     I do "complete" or "partial" reflocking of  English saddles. I was taught and studied under Master Saddler David May. David has a complete tack repair business in Penrith England.  I only use "virgin wool" for saddle reflocking, providing the best comfort and temperature dissipation from the back.  The material will cushion the horse's back better than unnatural foam.


      If a tree is the proper size for a specific horse the wool flocking can be custom "tweaked" to enhance the comfort of the fit for the horse. This is based on the on-the-horse inspection (of the saddle) and the specific set of templates that provide objective criteria of the horse's confirmation (as explained in saddle-fitting).

EquiTher, Contact: Kelly Flowers MPT, ESMT 502-418-0433
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