April 18, 2024
EquiTher, Contact: Kelly Flowers MPT, ESMT 502-418-0433    
  Evaluations >> Owner Testimonial
   Faust's New Life  

     When I bought 4 year old Faust, he was a very well bred Hanoverian and essentially my dream horse.  The reason I could afford such a horse was due to the fact that as a foal he slipped on the ice and cracked a vertebrae in his neck.  I thought he was worth the risk after viewing a brief video.  The breeder wanted to euthanize Faust at the time of the fall, but the veterinarian believed he would heal in time.  Faust did heal but had many physical issues; his body was completely misaligned.  He was in constant pain mostly in the withers, back, hip and shoulder area and his left front leg was shorter than his right, making him appear lame.  Faust resembled a pretzel and could not move normally even on a lunge line.  The good news was he had no nerve damage and had full range of motion in his neck.


     From April- June 2009, he received corrective shoeing, chiropractic treatments and multiple veterinarian visits.  Slowly, there was some improvement but he was a long way from being rideable.  The work on the lunge line began sparingly in August, but he displayed alot of resistance and had difficulty bending his body; it was like he was made of wood.

     My farrier told me Faust would benefit from some soft-tissue work.  I remember someonerecommending Kelly a year earlier for another of my hoses.  Kelly first treated Faust on December 2nd. I was impressed with his thoughtful and thorough examination and treatment.  He was the first person who could tell me what was going on with Faust physically.  Kelly told me what to expect and within a week I saw a HUGE change in Faust's mechanics.  His hind end seemed balanced for the first time, his left shoulder was moving more freely, and his back pain was greatly reduced.  All that after only one treatment! 


     Faust started enjoying his work more and on December 30th, I backed him for the first time and he's doing GREAT!  Faust will of course continue to see Kelly and I feel confident, in time, he will make a full recovery and become the magnificent horse he's meant to be.  I am very grateful for what Kelly does, he is a tru e healer in every sense of the word.  I don't know what we would have done without him.

                               Roma Lipane- Louisville KY.

EquiTher, Contact: Kelly Flowers MPT, ESMT 502-418-0433
Gait analysis | Owner Testimonial